Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ranbir requires a nose job

In his latest movie, we hear Ranbir requirements to look down a hooked nose.

So his managerial has been pleading by means of him to go under the knife right away. But Ranbir is obstinate that his hooked nose is very well by him and so be supposed to be for the spectators too.

Ranbir suffers from a deviated septum, a moderately common olfactory problem where the bone bridging the two nostrils is deviated. Ranbir necessities to lecture to this issue by the way of a surgery. But Ranbir refuses to get it done.

Of the elongated list of B-town folk who’ve disappeared under the knife to get the just the thing pout in addition to the wrinkle free smile, Ranbir sure comes across as a change, determinedly refusing to be a part of the makeup surgery contingent. This, even when the operation won’t just enhance his looks, but will help him take breaths better too.

A friend reveals, “Ranbir has had a deviated septum since childhood. ENT specialists have advised him to undergo septuplets. But he has refused and is adamant in relation to not getting it done. He has until the end of time been a stubborn guy, once he has refused something, he won’t budge.”

Apparently, his parents too have been influence him to get the minor nose surgical procedure done in addition to by now, given up. Ranbir isn’t frightened of surgeries, he says, but doesn’t want the shape of his nose to be misrepresented. “I would rather have a warped nose than a misrepresented one,” Ranbir told a friend once.

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